PO CRO Fondo Sociale Europeo
Regione Liguria 2007-2013
Asse IV "Capitale Umano"

The ontology

The ontology relates to the topics on which you can search for information in the archives of the Ansaldo Foundation, and the series in which such information are contained. Ontology entities are defined according to the OWL 2.0 language and the ontology editor Protegé 4.3 is used to create all the classes, restrictions and properties. Currently the ontology formalizes about 330 items in the taxonomy of descriptive concepts (e.g. historiography, company structure, economical & financial management, industrial production, corporate bodies, archival documentation typologies, etc.) and about 210 series typologies (e.g., Minutes of the Board of Directors, Administrative and accounting records, Balance and company statutes, Technical Department, Personnel management). The categories of concepts have been associated with the series identified and, consequently, with the instances relative to a specific archive, making explicit the relationships between descriptive concepts and series. The series of the archives of Ansaldo Foundation are created as instances of the classes corresponding to different series typology.

You can download the current version of the ontology we are developing here.